when ONE feeling is TWO.

The world really has a way of getting into our heads.

In times of stress, we are told to count our blessings.

In times of joy, we are expected to don an ear-to-ear smile.

When layoffs surround us, we should just be thankful that we have a job.

Why does the world have us embracing only one feeling at a time?

Don’t let the society dehumanize you.

It is more than acceptable to be grateful that you have a job and unhappy with your current situation.

It is very much ok to feel a little bit of fear or sadness in a moment of joy.

When you are stressed, it is great practice to reflect on all the good, and it is also ok to feel the frustration behind that stress.

Society has a way of requiring you to show up in a certain way.  Stop.  Ignoring the reality of how you really feel is not sustainable.  It is not healthy.  It will catch up.  It will slowly chew away at your physical, mental, and emotional health.  Stop.

Feel hopeful and a little pissed at the same time.  Take that angry moment and reflect on some good. 

We are complex beings.  We are meant to feel more than one thing at a time.  It is not uncommon to have push and pull feelings in the same situation.  When we show up as society expects us to, and only as society expects us to, we will come to a breaking point sooner or later. 

So carry on feeling thankful that you have money in the bank to go on vacation, all the while, feeling conflicted about leaving because your sweet Grandpa isn’t doing well.

Embrace relief and happiness for being spared in the latest round of layoffs, while working through the fear and concern that another round could come at any time.

Be thrilled that your kid got into the school you all were praying for and feel terrified and a weird kind of heartbroken that he will be so far away from home.

You do not have to pick a side with your emotions. It is ok, and actually very healthy, to acknowledge everything that you are feeling equally.




Navigating Transitions: 4 Helpful Tips to Tame the Tangles